Pygmy Goanna)
The king’s monitor has been called
by many enthusiast’s the perfect monitor species for
the captive environment. Specimens may possess the intense
red colouration and personality of V. a. acanthurus, and
a body structure similar to that of V. pilbarensis. This
primarily terrestrial goanna reaches a maximum length of
24 cm TL, over 65% of which is tail.
King’s pygmy monitors are exceptional captives and
can thrive in a relatively simple enclosure. In true varanid
fashion, they do prefer tight hiding places in which they
can rest and explore. They feed primarily on small invertebrates
and show a particular appreciation for small, soft-bodied,
cockroaches. The quick, erratic movements of the cockroach
trigger a feeding response that could rival sharks in a
feeding frenzy. King’s pygmy monitors will rarely
accept a rodent meal and such prey items do not appear necessary
for proper health and reproduction. This denizen of Australia’s
northern spinifex region has proven to be an extremely hearty
and prolific captive. Their similarities to V. a. acanthurus
and V. pilbarensis make them a universally captivating varanid
for the passionate keeper.